Night owl COokies
Art Production, Illustration, & Packaging
As a part of JASTOR Brand Imageneers, under the creative direction of brand visionary, Jason Torres, I assisted with the production, illustration, creative copy, packaging and brand book design for the rebranding for a Miami favorite: Night Owl Cookies.

Night Owl started as a late-night cookie delivery service. Their mission has been to satisfy the sweet tooth since it's inception. The JASTOR team worked together on weaving that narrative throughout the brand voice.

Creative Director, Jason Torres, always says that the best marketing a restaurant can have is the takeout packaging. It is a physical manifestation of the brand outside of it's store. We pulled out all the stops to make sure the packaging portrays the liveliness of the brand everywhere that it goes.

And of course, I couldn't help but stick in as much puns as I could like "dough my gosh that was delish," and "what a batch of fresh weirdoughs."

In addition to assisting with producing artwork and illustrations at JASTOR, I also had the privilege of developing Brandbooks that specify the brand guidelines and overall style of the brand: